Welcome to FMAS - 2021!
It is a great privilege to announce the 9th Annual Academic Sessions of the Faculty of Medicine, which is an important annual event in the academic calendar of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna. The session encourages and provides an opportunity to the academics, researchers and other health care professionals to share their research based knowledge with the aim of advancing scientific research and to promote novel inventions in the field of medicine.
FMAS constitutes a keynote address, an oration, symposia, postgraduate research presentations and free paper sessions. The free paper session is held in two categories (open category and undergraduate category) and includes both oral presentations and poster presentations. Thereby, FMAS provides a platform to disseminate valuable research work of academics and expected to strengthen the partnerships and collaborations. Further FMAS offers medical undergraduates to enhance the knowledge and enthusiasm thus promoting research career as young researchers.
The professionals and researchers in the country are cordially invited to be a part of FMAS 2021 and obtain the excellent opportunity to disseminate the research findings among an intellectual community.
Event Date
15th December 2021
T. W. Wikramanayake Auditorium
Faculty of Medicine
University of Ruhuna
Keynote Address
“Paediatric research: A kaleidoscopic personal trail”
Dr. B.J.C Perera
Specialist Consultant Paediatrician
Section Editor-Ceylon Medical Journal
Joint Editor- Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health
FMAS Symposium
"Facing the challenges & shaping the future"
Challenges to medico-social wellbeing of the front-line workers during the COVID 19 pandemic
Prof. Shehan Williams
Professor in Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine
University of Kelaniya
Food safety - are we really addressing the problem?
Prof. Terrence Madhujith
Professor of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture
University of Peradeniya
Smart medicine in healthcare: A game changer?
Prof. Rifdy Mohideen
Professor, Internal Medicine
International Medical University, Malaysia
Critical appraisal of different types of vaccines used for COVID 19
Prof. Suranjith Seneviratne
Consultant in Clinical Immunology and Allergy
Royal Free Hospital and University College London, UK
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline
31st August 2021Oration Submission Deadline
31st August 2021Deadline for submission of Completed postgraduate studies and original articles
31st August 2021Chief Guest
Snr Professor Sujeewa Amarasena
Vice Chancellor
University of Ruhuna
Keynote Speaker
Dr. B.J.C Perera
Specialist Consultant Paediatrician
Section Editor, Ceylon Medical Journal
Joint Editor, Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health
FMAS Oration 2021
"Surgery, success and happiness: A story within a story"
Prof Mohan de Silva
Emeritus Professor in Surgery
Former Chairman,
University Grants Commission,
Sri Lanka.