Organizing Committee

Prof. Lanka Dasanayake
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Mobile: 0777903792

Prof. Amaranath Karunanayake
Department of Physiology
Mobile: 0716050048

Dr. Janithra De Silva
Department of Community Medicine
Mobile: 0776509521
Steering Committee

Prof. T P Weerarathne
Dean, Faculty of Medicine

Prof I V Devasiri
Department of Paediatrics
Dr. Eric De Zoysa
Department of Biochemistry – Ex-co

Dr. Udari Egodage
Department of Physiology – Ex-co
Main Committee

Prof P V De Silva
Department of Community Medicine

Prof. Champa Wijesinghe
Department of Community Medicine

Prof Channa Yahathugoda
Department of Parasitology

Prof E I Waidyaratne
Department of Anatomy

Dr. Mahinda Rodrigo
Department of Anatomy

Dr. Iresha Mampitiya
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Dr. Gayani Punchihewa
Department of Psychiatry

Dr. Harshani Thabrew
Department of Microbiology

Ms. Hasanga Rathnayake
Department of Biochemistry
Invitation and Decoration Committee
Prof E I Waidyaratne (PIC) |
Registration and Publicity Committee
Dr. Iresha Mampitiya (PIC) |
Inauguration Ceremony Committee
Dr. Harshani Thabrew (PIC) |
Scientific Programme Committee
Ms. Hasanga Rathnayake |
Journal Committee
Prof. Champa Wijesinghe (PIC) |
Panel of evaluators and abstract evaluation committee
Prof. Vijitha De Silva |
Technical Sessions Committee
Prof Channa Yahathugoda (PIC) |
Food and Beverage Committee
Dr. Mahinda Rodrigo |