The Ruhuna Dept. of Forensic Medicine was the foremost provider of medico-legal services to southern Sri Lanka for almost two decades.
We are pioneered in providing
- Clinical Forensic Medical Examinations of victims of all ages who sustained injuries due to intentional trauma, accidents & sexual/gender based violence.
- Post-mortem examinations and reporting of all kinds of deaths.
- Forensic anthropological examinations of human skeletal remains with regard to specific identification and cause/manner of death.
- Histopathological examinations on retained human tissue sections and interpretation of findings.
- Expert evidence to criminal/civil courts in Sri Lanka/overseas in critical medico-legal cases for prosecution/defence.
- Reviewing/Auditing medico-legal reports.
- Policy and procedures on best medico-legal practices such as tissue retention & storage in autopsy work.
- Minimum standards to be adopted in medico-legal procedures(clinical/pathological).
- Guidance on application of Medical Law in Sri Lanka & training on comparative medical law.
- Training on adopting Istanbul Protocol for examination and documentation of findings of torture victims.
- Short courses on forensic nursing, death investigation, crime scene examination, expert witness training, disaster victim identification & medico-legal investigations in alleged human rights violations
The Ruhuna Dept. of Forensic Medicine is a recognised institute by the Asia Pacific Medico-Legal Agencies (APMLA) which is a network of all currently active medico-legal service providers in the Asia Pacific region.
Some of our staff members are also included in the expert roster of Justice Rapid Response program (JRR) which is a multi-stakeholder facility & a discreet professional service provider to entities that have the jurisdiction or mandate to investigate, fact-find or carry out inquiries wherever mass atrocities may have occurred.
We wish to recall that the first ever successful mass grave exhumation under foreign observation in Sri Lanka was carried out in 1999-2000 period under the leadership of our founder professor Chandrasiri Niriella in Chemmani, Jaffna with the participation of a multi-disciplinary team of local experts.
Kindly direct your inquiries regarding our services to:
Dr. Clifford Perera
Board certified Specialist in Forensic Medicine
Dept. of Forensic Medicine
Ruhuna Faculty of Medicine
University of Ruhuna
PO Box 70
Galle, Sri Lanka
Tel: +0094 912234416, +0094777903473