Teaching Activities
1. Conduct lectures – 4th year and Final year medical students
2. Clinical teaching at University Paediatric unit- Duration 8 weeks / student group (35- 40 students)
The teaching program for the entire appointment is displayed in the ward. Students are expected to join the appropriate group for the ward teaching sessions. All the long cases and the short cases presented by the students to a consultant should be entered in the record book.
During the 8 week appointment, the students are taught how to
• enhance the skills of history taking and examination and develop the ability of critical evaluation of the clinical scenarios, to make reasonable conclusions.
• develop skills to carry out common procedures.
• learn to manage paediatric emergencies correctly, efficiently and effectively, through observation, active participation and simulated scenarios. (advanced pediatric life support)
• carry out effective health education and develop skills to counsel parents.
• communicate effectively with the children, parents and the staff of the ward.
• function harmoniously and effectively in the health care team.
• learn to become an effective leader maintaining high degree of professionalism.
Each student is allocated to a mentor during the appointment. So each consultant will be a mentor to a group of students allocated under him. (Mentor groups)
During the appointment, the mentor groups will rotate among the consultant weekly for teaching purposes and for clinics attendance. Students should get the signature of the relevant consultant at the end of each week.During this weekly rotation each consultant will meet their own mentor group in the first, fifth and the eighth week. During the fifth week the students will have their mid-term assessment by their mentor.
Work placement is designed for students to familiarize to the duties and responsibilities of an intern house officer. During the work placement the students are expected to follow the on call consultant and take responsibility to present cases as house officers. The students in the work placement group are responsible to look after all the patients during that particular week in addition to the patients who were routinely allocated to them.
Paediatric life Support (PLS) programme is designed for students to learn how to act appropriately and get hand on skills in a basic paediatric emergencies. 15 sessions of PLS are conducted for a group during the appointment. In addition to the department members, extended faculty staff in the T.H Karapitiya also contribute as resource persons to this programme and all of them have followed Advaced Paediatric Life support course in SLCP.
Other teaching activities include formal short case and long case discussions, problem based learning ,and active learning sessions on professionalism, story telling ect . to improve soft skills.
Evaluation of the training will be done in order to assess the success in achieving objectives given in the departmental web site.
Evaluation is by
(1) In- course assessments
(2) End of course assessments.
In- course assessments /End Appointment Assessment
End of the appointment each student is assessed with,
MCQ Examination (20 MCQ) 5 marks
(T/F – 10, SBR – 10)
OSCE (10 stations) 5 marks
Clinical – 2 short cases & a long case 10 marks
Total 20 marks
Students who perform unsatisfactory in the assessments are expected to meet the mentor and discuss to plan a remedial action.
End of course assessments / Final MBBS examination
First attempt
In- course assessments -20%
Essay 20%
MCQ 20%
Long case 20%
Short cases 20%
Total 100%
Second and subsequent attempts
Incourse assessment 0%
Essay 25%
MCQ 25%
Long case 25%
Short cases 25%
Total 100%