- Histopathology and Cytopathology Laboratory Service
The Department of Pathology provides a Histopathology and Cytopathology service to the Professorial Units of the Teaching Hospital Karapitiya, Galle. Approximately 1200 histopathology and 300 cytology specimens are processed and reported every year. Special histology stains; reticulin, silver, Masson’s Trichrome, Alcian Blue are also done.
- The Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry Laboratory Service
This service was established in June 2006. This is the only Immunohistochemistry laboratory in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Initially immunostaining of only the breast cancer prognostic profile (ER< PR and Her 2) and the CD20 were performed. Now the panel of markers has been increased to include a wide variety. This has been designed as a fee levying service in order to sustain the service.
- Immunomarker – Cost (Rs.)
Breast carcinoma prognostic markers
1. Estrogen Receptor (ER) – Rs. 2200.00
2. Progesteron Receptor (PR) – Rs. 2000.00
3. Her2/neu (c-erbB2) – Rs. 2000.00
Lymphoma Panel
4. CD20 – Rs. 3000.00
5. CD3 – Rs. 2500.00
6. CD15 – Rs. 3000.00
7. CD30 – Rs. 2700.00
8. CD21 – Rs. 2200.00
9. bcl2 – Rs. 2200.00
Epithelial markers
10. AE1 / AE3 – Rs. 2000.00
11. CK7 – Rs. 2200.00
12. CK20 – Rs. 2200.00
Other markers
13. CD34 – Rs. 2200.00
14. S100 – Rs. 1800.00
15. SMA – Rs. 2000.00
16. CD45 (LCA)- Rs. 2200.00
17. Desmin – Rs. 2800.00
The following Markers will be available soon
CD117 (c-Kit), Chromogranin, CD23, The Immunohistochemistry Laboratory accepts the wax blocks of the tumour for immunohistochemical stains.
Haematology Diagnostics Laboratory Services offered:
Currently following tests are performed as a service function for the requests received from Teaching Hospital Karapitiya.
1. Urine dysmorphic red cells – helps to diagnose glomerular disease.
2. Peripheral blood picture reporting – to aid systemic as well as haematological disorders.
3. Bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy – to diagnose marrow related diseases.
In addition, Consultative haematology services are provided for patient care.
Future developments:
The laboratory has facility to perform following tests through equipment received from Leiden University and Erasmus University the Netherlands and the following haematological investigations will be commenced in near future.
1. Starch gel electrophoresis – Haemoglobin and proteins
2. Red cell inclusion bodies – HbH disease detection
3. Reticulocyte count with Corrected Reticulocyte Count and Reticulocyte Production Index
4. Buffy coat smear reporting
5. Marrow cytology cytochemistry
6. Coagulation profile
7. Special Haematology tests ; Osmotic Fragility, Ham test, Brewers etc.
8. Standard Bleeding Time
9. Standardized ESR
10. PCR for leukemia diagnosis