
Prof. Malik Goonewardene – Chapters  in  Books

1.    Malik Goonewardene Cord Prolapse. In:  Obstetric  and Intra partum emergencies. Arulkumaran S,  Chandraharan E.   Eds. Cambridge University Press , Cambridge 2012, 68-77

2.    MFM. Rameez , Malik Goonewardene Uterine Rupture.   In:  Obstetric  and Intra partum emergencies. Arulkumaran S,  Chandraharan E.  Eds. Cmbridge University Press , Cambridge 2012, 52-58

3.    Malik Goonewardene Antenatal cortico  steroids  in pre term pre labour rupture of membranes. In : Hand book on Pre Term Pre Labour Rupture of Membranes in a Low Resource Setting.  Desai S V, Tank  P Eds. Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers ( P) Ltd. New Delhi 2012, 65 – 71

4.     Malik Goonewardene Preventing unwanted pregnancies and reducing induced abortion. In:  Prevention of Unsafe Abortion in Asia Oceania Region Reproductive Endocrinology Committee of Asia Oceania Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,  AOFOG Secretariat, Quezon City, Philippines 2009:  59 – 66

5.    M. Goonewardene Management of Male Subfertility. Womens’ Health-Recent Advances in the Asia Oceanic Region .Jakarta,YBP-Sarwono  Prawirohardjo 1995: p 429-432.

6.    M. Goonewardene Genetics and metabolic derangements in polycystic diseases of ovary.  In: Womens’ Health Proceedings of World Congress on Women’s Health Calcutta, India 2000,  Modern Graphica,   Culcutta, p B 58-62.

Co-Author of National Guidelines

1.    National Guidelines for Maternal Care  Vol 1, Ministry of Health   2013
2.    Management of labour,
3.    Management of Hypertension
4.    Pre eclampsia and eclampsia in pregnancy
5.    Management of Diabetes during pregnancy
6.    Management of Post Partum Haemorrhage

Member, guidelines development groups,  and  contributed  to  the development of  following WHO guidelines

1.    Prevention and treatment of maternal peripartum infections , 2015
2.    Intervention to improve pre term birth outcomes   2014
3.    Postnatal care of Mother & New born ,  2013
4.    Calcium supplementation in pregnant women  2013
5.     Daily iron and folic acid supplementation in pregnant women  2012
6.    Intermittent iron and folic acid supplementation in non anemic pregnant women,   2012
7.    Use of multiple micronutrient powders for home fortification of foods consumed by pregnant women ,  2011
8.    Intermittent iron and folic acid supplementation in menstruating women , 2011

Publications in Peer  Reviewed Journals

1.    Palihawadana TS, Goonewardene IMR, Motha MBC, Williams HAS Review Article Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Pregnancy:  Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2014; 36 (3): 61-65

2.    Goonewardene M, Kumara DMA, Ziard MH, Bhabu B Intra Cervical Foley Catheter vs Oral Misoprostol for Pre Induction Cervical Ripening of Postdated Pregnancies Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2014; 36 (3): 66-70

3.    Goonewardene M, Dias T Leading Article Antenatal care paradigm changes over the years Ceylon Medical Journal 2013; 58 (ii): 47 – 50

4.    Patabendige M, Goonewardene IMR Preconception care received by women attending antenatal clinics at a Teaching Hospital in Southern Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2013;  3-9

5.    Goonewardene  Malik, de Silva Chamari, Medawala Madusha, Karunarathne Sumali.
The occurance, management and outcomes of postpartum haemorrhage in a teaching  hospital in SriLanka
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2012; 34 (4) : 144 -154

6.    Dangalle DPR, Goonewardene IMR
Surgical Treatment vs Expectant care in the management of incomplete miscarriage :      a randomized controlled trial
Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57 (iv): 140 – 145

7.    Shayamawarna KHB, Goonewardene IMR, Perera YAG
Customised Symphysio Fundal Height Charts
Ceylon Medical Journal 2012; 57 (iv): 159 – 165

8.    Goonewardene Malik,  Manawadu  M.H , Priyaranjana D.V.
Audit :  The Strategy to Reduce the Rising Caesarean Section Rate
Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012;4 (1): 5-9

9.    Goonewardene  Malik, Kumara DMA., Jathun Arachchi DR, Vithanage R, Wijeweera R.
The Rising Trend in Caesarean Section Rates : Should we and can we reduce it ?
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2012; 34 (1) : 11-18.

10.    Goonewardene Malik, Shehata M,  Hamad A.
Anaemia in Pregnancy. In:  Haematological  Disorders in  Pregnancy .
Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology  2012 ;26(1): 3-24.

11.    Haththotuwa  R, Goonewardene  Malik, Desai S, Senanayake L, Tank  J, Fraser I.S.
Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Low – and High- Resource Settings:  Consideration of Cultural Issues. In:  An International Perspective on Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine 2011 ; 29 (5): 446- 458

12.    Goonewardene M, Rameez MFM, Kaluarachchi A, Perera H
WHO recommendations  for induction of labour  RHL commentary (last revised: 01 November 2011). The WHO reproductive Health  Library; Geneva: World Health Organization

13.    Senanayake  H, Goonewardene M,  Ranatunga A,  Haththotuwa R, Amarasekera S,     Amarasingha I.
Achieving Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 in Sri Lanka
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2011;118 (Suppl. 2):78–87.

14.    Goonewardene Malik.
Reproductive Health  Research and Audit  in low resource settings
Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2011; 3 (3): xiii –  xx

15.    Vidanagamage RS, Goonewardene IMR.
The efficacy of two different doses   of vaginal iso-sorbide mono nitrate in pre induction        cervical ripening:  a double blind randomized controlled trial
Ceylon Medical Journal 2011; 56(iii): 91- 100

16.    Goonewardene Malik.
Strategies to improve adherence and acceptability of hormonal methods of
contraception     RHL commentary (last revised: 01 August 2011). The WHO reproductive       Health    Library; Geneva: World Health Organization

17.    Goonewardene M, Hanwellage K.
Fetal acoustic stimulation test for early  intrapartum  fetal monitoring
Ceylon Medical Journal 2011; 56 (i): 14-18

18.    Goonewardene Malik.
The WHO Reproductive Health Library
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2009; 31 (3) : 163 – 166.

19.    Goonewardene Malik.
Methods of delivering the placenta at Caesarean section:
RHL Commentary ( last revised : 1 August 2009), The WHO reproductive Health
Library , Geneva : World Health Organization.

20.    Ratnayake  RWMDS, Goonewardene Malik.
Induction of Labour and its Outcome in a Teaching Hospital
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2009; 31(2) : 97 – 103

21.    Fernando N , Perera B, Fernando N, Goonewardene M, Ostbye T
Factors associated with sexual behaviour among Sri Lankan Adolescents
Galle Medical Journal 2009; 14(1): 39 – 44

22.    Goonewardene Malik.
Evidence Based Practice of the Art of Obstetrics
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2009; 31 (1) : 3 – 9.

23.    Goonewardene Malik.
Research Synthesis
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2008; 30: (in print).

24.    Rameez MFM & Goonewardene IMR.
Nitric oxide donor iso-sorbide mono nitrate for pre induction cervical ripening at 41 weeks’ gestation: a randomized controlled trial.
The Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Research 2007; 33(4): 452-457.

25.     Goonewardene Malik.
Strategies to improve adherence and acceptability of hormonal methods of contraception.
RHL commentary (last revised: 15 December 2006).
The WHO Reproductive Health Library No 10, Update Software Ltd, Oxford, 2007.

26.    Goonewardene Malik & Batcha TM.
The fetal acoustic stimulation test: a reliable and cost effective method of antepartum fetal monitoring.
The Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(iv): 156-159.

27.    Goonewardene Malik & Deeyagaha Waduge RPK.
The adverse effects of teenage pregnancy.
The Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(iii): 116-120.

28.     Goonewardene Malik.
Leading article. Clinical experience, evidence based medicine, and changing trends in obstetric care.
Galle Medical Journal 2005; 10(1): 3-6.

29.    Goonewardene IMR.
Couple characteristics & outcome of therapy in vaginismus.
The Ceylon Medical Journal 2005; 50(ii): 95.

30.     Padumadasa S & Goonewardene Malik.
The outcome of preterm labour and preterm prelabour rupture of membranes after oral salbutamol or nifedipine SR.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2005; 27: 32-36.

31.     Vithanachchi TVK & Goonewardene Malik.
Intra umbilical vein oxytocin: a management option for retained placenta.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2005; 27: 23-28.

32.     Goonewardene Malik.
Evidence Based Medicine.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2005; 27: 20-22.

33.     Goonewardene IMR.
Couple characteristics & outcome of therapy in vaginismus.
The Ceylon Medical Journal 2004; 49(iv): 148-149.

34.     Goonewardene Malik.
Good Clinical Practice.
Galle Medical Journal 2004; 9: 3-5.

35.     Padumadasa S & Goonewardene M.
Knowledge and awareness about gynaecological cancer.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2003; 25: 30-33.

36.     Goonewardene M.
Cervical ripening prior to moderation of labour.
Proceedings of the 47th All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2004.

37.     Goonewardene M .
The detection of small for gestational age fetus.
Ceylon Medical Journal 2003; 48(ii): 39-41.

38.     Gunasekera PC, Wijesinghe PS, Goonewardene IMR.
Essential Obstetric Care: the key to reducing maternal mortality further in Sri Lanka.
Regional Health Forum. WHO-South East Asia Region 2002; 6(ii): 22-29.

39.    Goonewardene M.
The Adolescent Girl.
Ceylon Medical Journal 2002; 47(iv): 111-114.

40.    Goonewardene M.
Lankan Medical Graduates.
Galle Medical Journal 2002; 3(i): 33-38.

41.     Gunasekera PC, Goonewardene IMR & Wijesinghe PS.
The Caesarean section rate is rising.
Ceylon Medical Journal 2001; 46(iv): 147-150.

42.     Goonewardene IMR, Fernando RJ, Liyanage C & Somasiri KG.
The validity of commonly used haematological indices in the detection of iron deficiency in pregnancy.
Ceylon Journal of Medical Science 2001; 44(iv): 29-34.

43.     Fernando R.J., Goonewardene I.M.R., Nagahawatta A.De.S., Fernando S.
The role of lower genital tract microflora and antenatal risk factors in preterm labour.
Ceylon Journal of Medical Science 2001; 44(iv): 41-57.

44.     Malik Goonewardene.
Teenage Pregnancy.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2001; 23: 11-14.

45.     Goonewardene M & Gunaratna KA.
Why are the Caesarean section rates rising?
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2001; 23: 20-27.

46.    Gunaratna KA and Goonewardene M.
Teenage pregnancy and contraception.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2001; 23: 15-19.

47.    Gunasekera PC, Wijesinghe PS & Goonewardene IMR.
Early pregnancy loss: are we doing enough?
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2001; 23: 28-30.

48.     Goonewardene M.
The pathophysiology of Pre eclampsia.
Singapore Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2001; 32 (2): 1-9.

49.    Goonewardene M.
The Detection of Iron Deficiency in Pregnancy.
Galle Medical Journal 2001; 3 (I): 2-7.

50.     Goonewardene M, Liyanage C, Fernando RJ.
Intermittent oral iron supplementation during pregnancy.
Ceylon Medical Journal 2001; 46(iv): 132-135.

51.     Goonewardene IMR, Fernando RJ, Liyanage C & Somasiri KG.
The agreement between haematological indices obtained by different methods.
Galle Medical Journal 2000; 2(1): 13-17.

52.     Goonewardene M.
Is intermittent oral iron supplementation in pregnancy appropriate for South Asian Countries?
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Communications 2000; 2(4): 14-16.

53.     Goonewardene M.
Do all pregnant women need iron?
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1999; 21: 2-5.

54.    Fernando RJ & Goonewardene M.
One hundred adnexal masses: their pathology and correlation with clinical, sonographic and surgical diagnoses.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1999, 21; 22-26

55.    Goonewardene M.
Antenatal oral iron supplementation: why & how?
Galle Medical Journal 1997; 1: 11-14.

56.     Goonewardene IMR & Liyanage C.
Antenatal iron supplementation; only thrice a week.
Ceylon Journal of Medical Science 1996; 39(1): 41-47.

57.    Goonewardene IMR & Liyanage C.
Iron status of parturient mothers and in their new born babies.
Ceylon Journal of Medical Science 1996; 39(1): 35-39.

58.    Weerasooriya TR & Goonewardene IMR.
Sperm preparation and inutero inseminations in the management of subfertility.
Ceylon Medical Journal. 1996; 41: 54-57.

59.     Goonewardene IMR & Liyanage C.
Antenatal iron supplementation; once a week only.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1996; 18: 18-21.

60.    Goonewardene IMR & Liyanage C.
Efficacy of the current antenatal oral iron supplementation programme.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1996; 18: 14-17.

61.    Goonewardene M & Amaratunga K.
Pure choriocarcinoma of ovary; probably non gestational in origin.
Ceylon Medical Journal 1995; 40(1): 48.

62.    Goonewardene M, Seekkuge J & Liyanage C.
Iron stores and its correlation to haemoglobin levels in pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic.
Ceylon Medical Journal 1995; 40: 67-69.

63.    Kularatna MDCS & Goonewardene M.
Knowledge awareness and acceptability of contraceptive methods among pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1993; 16: 60-65.

64.     Goonewardene M & Kularatna MDCS.
Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia; a major hazard to mother and baby.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1993; 16: 26-32.

65.    Periris BAK & Goonewardene IMR.
Gestational trophoblastic disease.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1991; 15: 40-46.

66.    Goonewardene IMR, Haththotuwa RN & Goonasekara AGAdeS.
Perforation of the bladder by a Lippes Loop resulting in calculus formation.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1985; 12: 84-87.

67.     Goonewardene IMR & Sirisena LAW.
Eclampsia : A study of its occurrence and maternal sequelae.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1985; 12: 63-70.

 Dr. M.D.C.S. Kularatna
1.  Kularatna S, Abeysundera S Senaka.
Gestational thrombocytopaenia – Review article.
Journal of the Galle Medical Association 2002; 3(i): 16-19

2.  Kularatna MDCS & Fonseka Pushpa
Intrapartum Care: Facilities available at the divisional health care institutions in the Galle District and their utilizations.
Galle Medical Journal 1996; 1(i): 18-25

3.  Kularatna MDCS & Goonewardene M. Knowledge awareness and acceptability of contraceptive methods among pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1993; 16: 60-65.

4.  Goonewardene M & Kularatna MDCS.
Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia; a major hazard to mother and baby.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1993; 16: 26-32.

Dr. J.A.P. Dhammika
1.    Rajapaksha IH, Dissanayake AS, Dhammika JAP, Hungin APS
Frequency of medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) in three specialist outpatient clinics in a tertiary care hospitals in Southern Sri Lanka  Galle Medical Journal, Vol 17, No 2, October 2012

Dr. K.A. Gunarathne
1.  Gunaratna KA and Goonewardene M.
Teenage pregnancy and contraception.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2001; 23: 15-19.

2.  Goonewardene M & Gunaratna KA.
Why are the Caesarean section rates rising?
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2001; 23: 20-27.

 Dr. M.F.M. Rameez
1.    Rameez MFM, Lankeshwara D, Dias T, Khatri M, Lohana R
Review Article
Preterm Delivery : Current Concepts
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology  2013; 35(1): 22 – 28

2.     MFM Rameez, Malik Goonewardene
Uterine Rupture in Obstetric and Intrapartum Emergencies.  Arulkumaran S, Chandraharan E Eds.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2012, 52 – 58

3.    Goonewardene M, Rameez MFM, Kaluarachchi A, Perera H
WHO recommendations for induction of labour : RHL commentary (last revised : 1st November 2011)
The WHO Reproductive Health  Library ; Geneva: World Health Organization

4.    Rameez MFM & Goonewardene IMR.
Nitric oxide donor iso-sorbide mono nitrate for pre induction cervical ripening at 41 weeks’ gestation: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Research 2007; 33(4): 452-457.

 Dr. D. L .W. Dasanayake
1.    Dasanayake DLW
A Randomised controlled trial of rectal analgesia diclofenac sodium for relief of perineal pain following child birth.
Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology  2014; 36(1): 14 – 16

2.    Dasanayake DLW, Sidique A, Hooker J
Can we reduce failed instrumental delivery ?
Galle Medical Journal, Vol 19, No 2, September 2014