Information to Students
The students should acquire the following Critical Clinical Skills [ C.C.S] and be able to
- interview and obtain a clear, concise & chronological history of:
- a pregnant female
- a gynaecological patient
- carry out abdominal examination of a pregnant female.
- carry out speculum & bimanual vaginal examination of gynaecological patient.
- carry out physical examination of an utero vaginal prolapse.
- present a detailed history of a pregnant female and a gynaecological patient.
- present a brief summary of a pregnant female and a gynaecological patient.
- carry out routine antenatal care.
- diagnose labour.
- maintain a partogram & manage normal labour.
- understand the basic principles of fetal monitoring and the use of Cardiotocography.
- detect abnormalities of labour and intra partum fetal compromise.
- suture an episiotomy.
- diagnose & differentiate between different types of miscarriages.
- carry out a cervical (Pap) smear.
- insert an Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device ( Copper T ).
- counsel and manage all aspects of normal pregnancy, labour, delivery and puerperium without any further resident training.
- counsel and manage common gynaecological problems without further resident training.
The students should also acquire the following Core Knowledge & Skills and be able to
- understand and abide by the ethical principles involved in medical practice.
- abide by the code of conduct expected of medical officers.
- understand and promote reproductive and sexual health rights.
- describe the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the indicators used for monitoring reproductive health services and the strategies adopted to achieve the MDGs.
- understand the physiological changes in pregnancy.
- carry out pre conceptional counseling.
- understand physiological changes in pregnancy.
- diagnose & manage normal pregnancy.
- identify risk factors at the commencement of, or occurring during pregnancy.
- diagnose & manage minor complications of pregnancy.
- diagnose & manage hyperemesis gravidarum.
- identify & manage normal labour & conduct a normal vaginal delivery.
- carry out antenatal fetal monitoring and identify a fetus at risk.
- identify & manage a patient with an abnormal cardiotocograph.
- identify & manage the third stage of labour.
- identify & understand the principles of management of its complications including primary post partum haemorrhage, acute inversion of uterus and post partum collapse.
- diagnose & manage a retained placenta.
- identify & understand the principles of management of abnormalities of labour.
- carry out cross matching of blood.
- resuscitate an asphyxiated baby.
- manage normal puerperium.
- diagnose & manage abnormalities of puerperium.
- advise regarding normal breast feeding techniques & management of problems.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of an ante partum haemorrhage.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of pre labour rupture of membranes.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of pre term labour.
- carry out induction and augmentation of labour.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of cord presentation and cord prolapse.
- manage a shoulder dystocia.
- diagnose & manage anaemia complicating pregnancy.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of hypertension and pre eclampsia in pregnancy.
- diagnose & manage eclampsia.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of glucose intolerance in pregnancy.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of heart disease in pregnancy.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of multiple pregnancy.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of breech presentation and other malpresentations.
- understand the principles of management of an elderly primigravida, grande multipara and a teenage gravida.
- understand the indications for Caesarean Sections (CS) and the morbidity associated with CS.
- identify causes & understand the principles of management of a Death in Utero.
- differentiate a growth restricted baby from a preterm baby and understand the principles of management of a small for gestational age baby.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of viral infections & sexual transmitted diseases.
- understand the principals underlying the use of medications during pregnancy & lactation.
- identify & understand the principles of management of blood group incompatibility & other miscellaneous conditions.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of respiratory and renal diseases complicating pregnancy.
- understand the principles of providing safe motherhood.
- resuscitate a collapsed patient and identify the cause of collapse in a pregnant female and in a gynaecological patient.
- carry out pre operative assessment & management before major surgery.
- carry out post operative management after major surgery.
- carry out physical examination of an abdominal lump which is arising from the pelvis.
- differentiate between the different types of lumps arising from the pelvis.
- describe physiology of normal menstrual cycle.
- diagnose & manage common menstrual disorders.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of abnormal uterine bleeding .
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of gestational trophoblastic disease.
- diagnose an ectopic pregnancy and understand the principles of management of an ectopic pregnancy.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of the different types of miscarriage.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of a septic abortion.
- counsel and introduce temporary contraceptive techniques.
- counsel for sterilization.
- diagnose & manage common vaginal infections.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of pelvic infections.
- diagnose uterine fibroleiomata and other common gynaecological conditions.
- identify menopause and utero vaginal prolapse.
- counsel & carry out preliminary investigations of a subfertile couple.
- understand the principles of management of uterine fibroleiomata, subfertility, endometriosis menopause, utero vaginal prolapse and other common gynaecological conditions.
- carry out procedures for the early diagnosis of gynaecological cancer.
- understand the principles of diagnosis & management of carcinoma of the uterine body and cervix, and ovarian tumours.
- investigate a patient prior to chemotherapy for gynaecological malignancies.
- diagnose & understand the principles of management of urogynaecological problems.
- carry out sexual counseling.
- understand the basic principles of Research Methodology & Statistical Analysis.
- understand the principles of Evidence Based Medicine ( EBM) and be able to use the WHO Reproductive Health Library as an aid to the practice of EBM in the field of reproductive health.
- write a case summary.
- write a diagnosis card.
- write operation notes.
- assist for Caesarean Section.
- Laparotomy.
- Abdominal Hysterectomy.
- Vaginal Hysterectomy.
- Dilatation & Curettage / Evacuation.
- Forceps Delivery / Vacuum Delivery.
- Insertion of an Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device.
- Female Sterilization.
- Laparoscopy.
- Hysteroscopy.
- Colposcopy.
- Urodynamic assessments.
Basic Clinical Skills
- Take a clear, concise & chronological history.
- pregnant female
- gynae patient
- Abdominal palpation of a pregnant female.
- Speculum & bimanual vaginal examination of Gynae patient.
- Present a brief summary of a pregnant female and a Gynae patient.
- Maintain a Partogram.
Log Book
- Antenatal care records of 6 pregnant women.
- Case summaries: Obst 2 + Gynae 2.
- Diagnosis cards LSCS 3 + Major Gynae 3 + Minor Gynae 3.
- Operation notes LSCS 3 + Major Gynae 2 + Minor Gynae 2.
- Normal deliveries 6.
- Partograms 6.
- Vaginal examination in labour 6.
- Monitoring Induction of Labour 3.
- Interpretation of CTG 3.
- Suturing of Episiotomies / Perineal Tears 6.
- Observe / assist for Instrumental Vaginal Delivery 1.
- Demonstrate on a model –
- Clinical Pelvimetry 1.
- Assisted Vaginal Breech Delivery 1 .
- Management of Shoulder Dystocia 1.
- Management of Cord Prolapse 1.
- Management of a Retained Placenta 1.
- Assist for Caesarean section 3.
- Assist for Major Gynae surgery 2.
- Assist for Minor Gynae surgery 2.
- Blood Cross Match 4.
- Insertion of IUCD under supervision 1.
- Gynae V/E under supervision of Senior staff.
Speculum 1 + Bimanual 1 + Prolapse 1. - Pelvic Examination under Anaesthesia 2.
- Foley Catheter insertions 3.
- Carry out cervical (Pap) smears 2 .
N.B * One of each : nos : 2,3,4,13,14,15, 16 18,19,20
* Two of each : nos : 5,6,7,10.
to be completed before commencing the professorial appointment
Each item should be certified (& signed) by the supervising officer.