Training Objectives in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- To introduce the student to women’s health care.
- To build upon previous undergraduate training in pre and para clinical years.
- To train the student to counsel and manage all aspects of normal pregnancy, labour, delivery and puerperium without any further resident training.
- To train the student to counsel and manage common gynaecological problems without further resident training.
- To train the student to manage common obstetric & gynaecological emergencies without further resident training.
- To train the student in the recognition of common abnormalities of pregnancy, labour, delivery and puerperium and to understand the principles of management of such abnormalities.
- To train the student in the principles of early diagnosis of gynaecological malignancies and other important gynaecological problems.
- To train the student to function as an intern house officer in obstetrics & gynaecology when he/she graduates.
- To train the student who does not have the opportunity to undergo an internship in obstetrics & gynaecology to function as a DMO/MOIC/MOH in the periphery later on.
- To encourage students to broaden their knowledge by further reading & research.
Learning Resources
- Fully equipped Clinical Skills Laboratory.
- Computer Aided Learning Programmes.
- Mechanism of Labour
- Obstetrics examination techniques (video)
- Gynaecological examination techniques (Video)
- The WHO Reproductive Health Library
- Interviewing & examining a patient and presenting a case in obstetrics & gynaecology.
- Learning obstetrics & gynaecology in community.
- Evidence Based Medicine.
- Antenatal, intrapartum and gynaecological management guidelines and flowcharts