Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Ruhuna is committed to provide Undergraduate Teaching in Clinical Medicine and for maintaining clinical care in the University Medical Unit of Teaching Hospital, Karapitiya, Galle, which is the premier Tertiary Care Hospital of the Southern Province. Currently, there are three professors in General Medicine and Neurology working in the Department. The senior staff within the Department, including the Head of Department, contribute to the on-call rota for the University Medical Unit (Ward 11/12) of the Teaching Hospital, Galle. While being involved in teaching activities of Medical Students our Department offer specialized care in Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Metabolic disorders including Diabetes Mellitus and Bone disease and Neurology. Our Department conduct collaborative reserch with Duke University USA on Infectious disease and the Center for Bone and Metabolic diseases has collaborative research publications with other universities . We conduct clinical grand round discussions once a week at the Department of Medicine and participate in weekly Journal club discussions arranged by the Galle Medical Association.